By Coleen Elkins 24-7 Health Insurance
They say "A picture is worth 1000 words".
We hope you share this photo of a "sample" proposal we created today November 1, 2016.
This proposal is for a married couple each 60 years of age in Yuma County Arizona for under age 65 health insurance beginning January 1, 2017. This photo reflects a Silver and a plan option. Yes this is their MONTHLY health insurance premium owed.
Their only health insurance carrier option IS Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona. They are mandated to purchase this plan by the federal government because is is the only plan meeting the criteria of the Affordable Care Act. Pay attention to the deductible and out of pocket each of them would have to pay before the plan covers them 100 percent.
As of today we still are unable to quote for those living in Maricopa County because Blue Cross Blue Shield refuses to insure in Maricopa County Arizona and if there is another carrier available they have yet to post their rates.
Wow! No one is going to be able to afford those rates. Something has to give soon!