Thursday, June 23, 2016

Do We Finally Have A Viable Alternative To Obamacare In The Making?

By Coleen Elkins    24-7 Health Insurance


Are we seeing progress? The House Ways and Means Committee has published an alternative to Obamacare that could improve our health insurance options. 

"In a nation of over 323 million people, each with different needs and circumstances, it makes no sense for one federal agency to dictate the contents of every American’s health insurance plan. And it makes even less sense to impose a tax agency to dictate the contents of every American’s health insurance plan. And it makes even less sense to impose a tax penalty on any American who chooses not to purchase that plan"

With 21 years experience and 6 years of watching our clients premium rise, carrier and network options diminish this proposal looks promising to us. 

You can read it in it's entirety here: A Better Way

1 comment:

  1. I think the healthcare does still needs lots of changes and there are some decent ideas in this proposal. The republicans would be smarter using the term change or improve the affordable care act, instead of constantly chanting "repeal obamacare".
